How I Work
OK, so I've made a big claim: My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself while creating the most awesome life possible for you and those you love.
Let's take a closer look.

We will focus on YOU and becoming the best version of yourself. You’ll develop your path from your unique combination of personality, desires and talents.
Creating the most awesome life possible. Save the intellectual debates for reddit. I’d much rather spend an hour figuring out how you can launch your own business, expand your finances, or move abroad using your personality type than debating whether a celebrity is using their Ti or Te.
Everything I teach and coach comes back to action and implementation. I’m not here to sit on the sofa and listen. I’m here to help you take action and change your life.
While creating the most awesome life possible. I’m impatient. That’s my curse and your blessing. Together we will find ways to develop your best self while simultaneously acting on the life you want. I’m here for an impactful time not a long time 😊
The most awesome life possible for you and those you love. Life is no fun if you’re going at it alone. A rising tide raises all boats.
On that note, a huge theme in all my programs is peer group and community. Inside you’ll discover a strong community and connect you with people you’d rarely, if ever, meet by chance in your regular life.
Friendships will be made
Andrew and Anna both took part in my online coaching programs and here's what they had to say
When we work together, whether in Private Coaching, ENFP Unleashed, or The Free Freelancer, I will help you in the following areas:
The Process of Change
Your Self Knowledge
You know yourself better than you think, you just need help clarifying and deepening this knowledge. If you happen to be an NF type, especially an ENFP or INFP, I have been coaching people with your personality type since 2013 and am arguably the world’s leading expert in ENFPs.
So, if this is you, I’m able to bring a wealth of additional knowledge to the table to help you deepen your self awareness and generate new insights about yourself.
If you are an ENFP, check out my free email training for ENFPs here:
Clarifying Your Destination
My father is an ENTJ and my mom an ESFJ. This means I (an ENFP) grew up in a J family. J’s love routine, structure and certainty.
We inherit the belief systems of family and friends. Perhaps everyone around you needs safety and security and projects this same need onto you. Perhaps you’re actually wired for a little more challenge and thrive when you can use your creativity on a daily basis.
Perhaps, just maybe, you’re underperforming your potential because you have too much certainty…
Because you’ve started to build someone else’s house and it’s choking the life right out of you.
Despite their good intentions, that “You just need more structure and to stick with something” advice, if followed, could be the final nail in your creative soul’s coffin.
Overcoming Fear and Developing Motivation
Once we figure out what you really want, often a source of great motivation in itself, we need to tackle the little asshole that so often stands between us and what we really want: Fear.
As to not furnish it with undeserved attention, we’re going to keep this short: I’m a master at helping people overcome fear and take action. I have plenty of emotional, and practical, tools to help you do just this.
Dan gives everything with his coaching program. He puts his heart into it, and I sense that the success of us, the participants, is essential to him. I feel so well taken care of in the group (awesome people to connect to), and every lesson, every group coaching call motivates me anew to take the next, sometimes frightening, steps.
Changing Your Peer Group to an Empowering Community
While creating the most awesome life possible. I’m impatient. That’s my curse and your blessing. Together we will find ways to develop your best self while simultaneously acting on the life you want. I’m here for an impactful time not a long time 😊
The most awesome life possible for you and those you love. Life is no fun if you’re going at it alone. A rising tide raises all boats.
On that note, a huge theme in all my programs is peer group and community. Inside you’ll discover a strong community and connect you with people you’d rarely, if ever, meet by chance in your regular life.

Within our team, this is how we describe our clients and community members: “Generally successful, intelligent, good humoured, insightful, growth oriented and want to do good. Freedom and independence minded. Preference for experiences and relationships over things or status. Like ideas. Enjoy long conversations and developing relationships.”
When it comes to our private community, I’m consistently learning from and inspired by members. I’d be happy to have dinner with, or even take a weekend roadtrip, with 99% of members.
Yes, just 99%. There is always going to be a few weirdos! (I told you…authenticity and honesty are important to me).
If being part of a community like this is something you’d like, take a look at The Free Freelancer (for Freelancers, Coaches, and Consultants or any personality type) or ENFP Unleashed (for ENFPs who share the values I’ve already mentioned).
Making Smart Decisions and Taking Strategic Action
If you don’t mind me keeping the bragging box open a little longer…
I’m really good at figuring out practical ways to get you what you want. I know there are a lot of coaches out there who are great at speaking about mindset this and manifesting that…But when it comes to clear, practical strategies they often come up short and leave you out in the cold.
Perhaps because of the 9 years I’ve spent moving around the world while writing books, coaching and training people, and growing multiple businesses…or all the creative and successful people I’ve met and learnt from along the way…I have a real expertise in going from big picture to practical, strategic action.
Following Through Until You Succeed
If you never take action, you’re just another wannabe posting mis-attributed inspirational quotes on Instagram. The same goes for taking action once or twice and then calling it at a day after a few failures.
Not on my watch!
If you stick with me I’ll stick with you and ensure that you not only take the right action, in the right direction, but that you keep going until you reach your destination.
So, that's how I work.

1) Get clear on who you are and what you want.
2) Overcome fear and get fired up.
3) Change your peer group and external influences.
4) Take strategic action.
5) Keep going until you get there...then dream even bigger.