How The F#@# Do You Find Your Passion?!

How The F#@# Do You Find Your Passion?!

“You probably already know what your passion is, you just don’t know that you know.”

What The F#@# Should I Do?

OK. I’ll admit it, I should have answered this question like, 3 years ago?

If you’re an ENFP or INFP you’re probably like I have a million passions and want to do everything so usually I do nothing (or everything) so how can I ever decide what I want to do or pick just one passion…

Whoa, slow down! This is just the description of the video above.

Can you just click the damn play button and stop reading?

You’re not going to find your answers here.

My mission here at Dreams Around The World is to help you become the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life possible for you and those you love.

It is just WEIRD that up to now I didn’t have a video answering the question: How do I find out what my passion is?

What should you do with your life?

You’ve probably heard that you should follow your passion and then you’ll live a life full of purpose.

But how the heck do you discover what your passion is?

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Want To Go Even Deeper?

I offer a free 9-part email course on The Life Design Approach. This is the philosophy that has helped me publish 11 books, live in 6 countries, and become 100% location independent while doing work I love. The Life Design Approach

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