Life Design Fiesta 2023
5 Days of Inspiring Coaching, Training and Masterminds
ENFPs, INFPs, ENFJs and INFJs Wanting To Play The Game of Life at a Higher Level
When and Where:
Sept 13th to 17rd, 2023
Prague, Czech Republic
Earlybird Tickets Now Available
Transformation Requires Change
OK, I know what you English majors are thinking, “well duh Dan!” But hear me out…like my YouTube videos, if you stick with me long enough, I’ll eventually start to make sense.
These days there are so many options for making a life change. There’s weekly coaching, training programs, online groups, and even apps. These options can provide a lot of value and influence change yet many people find themselves feeling stuck or pondering the same change for years.
I hate to be Mr. KnowItAll but it really is quite simple:

Your Vision. Your Dream Life.
Five Days That Can Make It Your Reality.
I’m not trying to flex here but I’ve lived in 10 countries in the last 10 years…I’ve developed a keen understanding of how our environment affects our habits, thoughts and outcomes.
This is why I am so passionate about hosting multi day in person events that encourage you to travel and experience something new.
Let’s be honest, online programs are a lot more profitable and a lot less intense for me yet I continue to host in person events because I know they are the absolutely best way to facilitate transformation.
People attend Life Design Fiesta to experience a big transformation such as:
End Something
Open up your future possibilities by finally making a change you know is right for you, such as leaving a career.
Start Something
Embrace an entrepreneurial mindset and lay the foundation to start something you'll love.
Countries, continents, or just getting your butt moving towards an inspiring goal and new direction.
Change your self image, learn to love your personality, create a profound sense of confidence and go home with the tools you need to keep it.

"Dan has arguably been one of the most influential people in my life. He has helped me take my life to the next level in multiple seasons, but coming here in person was just a whole new experience. Building all these new relationships while having Dan there to guide you on an individual level has been transformative. I'm leaving the event not only with a plan but with the tools to follow through... Do it, absolutely do it"
-Alana Trudell
Life Design Fiesta 2022, Prague
Why People Are Coming To Prague
- Move from dreaming to doing. No more wasting years in La La Land... design your dream life, figure out how to make it a reality AND learn how to follow through.
- Experience big breakthroughs as you free yourself from at home distractions and habits... Tap into the transformational power of a new city, a new group of people and a week 100% dedicated to your future self.
- Whether you're in your 1st or 15th year of consciously curating your life, you'll have an opportunity to dive deep into strategies and ideas that will help you take your life, business or relationship (or why not all three?) to the next level.
- Overcome limiting beliefs and mindsets while learning from someone who gets you and understands your nuances.
- Save years *$#%ing around: Get clear on your next steps and learn the mindsets that will help you follow through.
- Learn how to hold yourself accountable and build resilience to ultimately have the impact you want on the world.
- Unlock your potential and remove the blocks and mental barriers that are preventing you from living the life you want. Gain clarity, confidence and take action.
- Connect with incredible people. My #1 asset has always been my network of fellow entrepreneurs. I've acquired it by attending events and making friends the old fashioned way.
- Finally make some friends can I say this...don't think you're insane. Become part of a group that's dreaming as big as you are and use the collective energy as FUEL.
- Discover the courage, encouragement, and support to take the next step and make that change.
- Learn how to design your environment and how to get work done in the best way for you. No one-size-fits-all solutions. If you've ever found personality tests and systems helpful, this event is for you.
- Heck, someone has to say it, have an amazing time on your tax deductible trip to Europe.

"I don't often get goosebumps but I got them multiple times during this event. I just genuinely felt happy whenever I was with the group and Dan. It was a natural high. Dan listens very well and his answers are definitely custom tailored to you - it's never a cookie cutter answer. To be able to work with him face to face just brought it to a whole other level and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who gets the chance."
-Marshall Miller
Life Design Fiesta 2022, Prague
Event Details
This is not a one-size-fits-all event created for the masses - this week is built around YOU. Forget being locked up in a conference room looking at PowerPoints all day. Instead, expect tailored workshops, intuitive trainings and in-depth group coaching.
At night you'll have the opportunity to connect and deepen your relationships... and just have a really good time.
I've created a complete itinerary and travel guide for attendees which you're welcome to read before buying your ticket. You can read it here: Prague 2023 Event Guide
If you're viewing this on mobile, you can see the full itinerary with the details of each day if you visit this page from your computer.
Your Next Chapter Starts Here...
This Event IS For You If...
- You want to build your life around your strengths and unapologetically embrace all that you are
- You are done playing it small and want to take your life, career and relationships to the next level
- You actually give a shit about your future
- You are not offended that I just said shit
- You are on the cusp of making a big change but something is holding you back
- You feel that you're not living in your full potential and can't wait to have a bigger impact on the world
- You want to grow your confidence to pursue your passion publicly
- You have all the ideas but struggle to follow through and get to the finish line
- You know life is not all about money but have a desire to create the wealth that will allow you the lifestyle and freedom you want
- You want to upgrade your peer group and form intense bonds with people that see possibilities and share your urge to live life to the fullest
- You’re not a fan of the “self help hype” and prefer to learn from someone authentic who shares from lived experience
- You’re willing to go deep and turn knowledge into action to make your vision reality
This Event Is Not For...
- People with no intention of taking action to create the life they want
- People who want to just sit back and be served self-help clichés without having to engage in self exploration or participate with the group
- People with more of a “trader” personality - happy to make money wherever they can squeeze out the dollars with little concern for their impact on the world
- Uptight people. My events are professional, fun, and intimate so if you’ve got a stick up your butt, it might be better to stay home
About Your Host
Hi, I'm Dan. I'm the Author of The ENFP Calling, Founder of Dreams Around The World, and the creator of the coaching programs The Free Freelancer and ENFP Unleashed. This is my cheesy bio where I share accomplishments so you think "OK, this is someone I could learn from!"
I want you to know that my purpose with this event is for you to get results AND have a ton of fun while connecting with inspiring people. Read the testimonials from past events to get a sense for what this event will be like.
Since you'd likely prefer to learn from someone who walks the talk, I'll share a bit more about my experience below:
- I’ve created two successful location independent businesses, first as a freelance writer and then as a coach and trainer.
- I’ve lived in 10 countries while growing my businesses.
- I’ve sold 10,000s of books...which also means I've been able to finish writing a book!
- Over 20,000 students are enrolled in my online courses.
- I’ve built a successful YouTube channel with 63,000 subscribers and 100s of videos as well as a popular podcast.
- I love psychology and personality type and use it a lot in my training. I don’t believe in a one size fits all approach. You should build your life and business around your personality.
Alright, that's the last bragging I'll do on this page, I promise!
The Basic Ticket
To reserve your spot and lock in the early bird pricing, you only need to make a small deposit today. Details on the checkout page.
If you prefer to pay directly in Euro or GBP, or request a custom payment schedule, please write [email protected] and we can arrange it for you.
The Complete Ticket
To reserve your spot and lock in the early bird pricing, you only need to make a small deposit today. Details on the checkout page.
If you prefer to pay directly in Euro or GBP, or request a custom payment schedule, please write [email protected] and we can arrange it for you.
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% + $100 Money Back Guarantee
1. I'm going to pack these 7 days with as much insight, knowledge, inspiration, and yes, fun, as possible: All focused on helping you make your transformation. There are no up-sells, I will share as much as humanly possible during our time together.
2. Tickets are fully refundable until November 5th (minus 5% credit card fees. If you pay via Zelle the ticket is fully refundable.) Between Nov 5th and Dec 30th – Tickets are fully refundable (minus 5%) for 7 days after purchase. After 7 days, if you are unable to make the event for any reason, you can turn your ticket into a credit valid for any future event and most coaching services I offer.
3. If you attend the event and do not feel I (Dan), the training, or the environment have met, if not exceeded, your expectations you can request a refund before the lunch period on Day 3. I will refund 100% of your ticket price within 48 hours, plus I will pay you $100 cash.
"It was an amazing experience and I had so much fun. I've learned so many practical things that I can apply to my day to day life. I felt all the positive energy of the other people, which was one of the most important things for me. Dan is great with people, he really does make you believe it is possible for you. He explains it all very clearly, so you finally get to believe it too. It's an incredible gift."
-Sena Al Sudani
Life Design Fiesta 2022, Prague
What past guests say...
Dan has been one of the most influential people in my life. He has helped me take my life to the next level in multiple seasons, but coming here in person was just a whole new experience. Building all these new relationships while having Dan there to guide you on an individual level has been transformative.
I'm leaving the event not only with a plan but with the tools to follow through... knowing that I have people rooting for me and who also can help me in the future just as much as I can help them.
I would totally recommend Life Design Fiesta. Coming to a different location breaks your patterns and lets your guard down so you can be more free in your thinking and see the possibilities.
I came because I wanted get away from my 9-5 and work within my strengths. I loved working through my blocks and learning how to get unstuck, it will apply to a lot more areas of my life than just business.
Dan as a coach is fantastic, he has lots of great ideas and really hones in on how he can help you. And the traveling part was amazing... getting away from the mundane day-to-day and see a beautiful country while making friends with like minded people.
I would highly recommend it, this was time well spent. To be able to learn and just absorb all this happiness, goodness and encouragement. You do get it from his videos but to work with him took it to another level.
The event helped me understand that I don’t need to have this negative talk in my head all the time. I can accomplish things, I can be successful, I can write a book. That was really good, that feeling of “I can, I can do something great, I have something special to share”.
I really like the group aspect, because even after hours we would talk, help each other and bounce ideas off each other. We all spoke the same language. It was so much fun to springboard ideas off each other.
Because I was able to be fully focused I’ve made much faster progress and I feel more motivated and inspired than ever. It was an amazing experience and I’d highly recommend it for someone who wants to really push forward but finds themselves getting held back by the day to day demands on them.
I’m now at the position where I’m really excited about the future and I think for the first time I have a clear goal, I know where I’m going, and I finally feel like I’m on the right path!

Writer & Former Freelance Web Designer
Dan is a very good balance between hilarious, casual and very knowledgeable. I very much value the fact that he is honest, you know that you’re not going to go to the event and get fed a whole bunch of bullsh*t just to feel good. I trust that he will give me an honest answer and will help me figure stuff out.
The event helped me get clear on what was holding me back, that has been a bigger problem for me than knowing what I want. I feel more equipped to deal with those problems than I was before. Now I can start thinking about ways to combat that instead of back pedaling.
I felt a belonging to a community of people from all walks of life who share the common goal of a desire for a more purposeful existence through creativity and expression of their inner selves. Yeah, I know that sounds pretty flowery, but I mean it. I felt a very deep connection with everyone there after the 5 days and truly miss everyone.
Past Events - Prague - August 2022

...and designing our dream lives. This was a small group with BIG visions.
Building Your Vision

....and before the reward: discovering some of Prague's best beer gardens.
Overcome Your Fears
Saturday, Sept 16th - Day Four - Overcoming Slumps, Staying on Track, and Finishing Strong
Design Your Environment

Taking the training outside. New input brings new perspectives...

....which is why we also take the afternoon off to do the iconic Paddle Boat Sunset Tour and see where the night takes us.
Afternoon and Evening: Tour and Day Out
Sunday, Sept 17th - Day Five - Uplevel Your Peer Group & Surround Yourself With Inspiring People
Grow Your Confidence

Last day is all about building confidence to make sure we finish on a high...

...and finish strong. New friends make for new beginnings.
From Dreaming To Doing
Past Events - Prague - June 2019
This was a special event with freelancers, writers and coaches coming together to build their dream businesses around their personalities and passions. We were joined by special guests Simon Whistler and Fronseca Porras who shared how they've built incredible businesses around doing what they love.
Detailed Itinerary
Detailed Itinerary
Info and FAQ about Prague and The Event
How do I get there?
Hotel Recommendations
Travel Guides and Where To Stay
Refund Policy
Are there scholarships available or can I volunteer to help with the event?
What currencies can I pay in?
What's the mix of fun and training?
How Much Should I Budget?
Event Cancellation
More questions? Contact us here
"It was a wonderful event in an incredibly beautiful and exciting city. The people in the group were wonderful -stimulating, creative, challenging and supportive. It felt like we developed an instant community. The special guests were really fun and interesting people and their stories were encouraging and inspiring."
Sonja DeWitt
Attended The Prague Event
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% + $100 Money Back Guarantee
1. I'm going to pack these 7 days with as much insight, knowledge, inspiration, and yes, fun, as possible: All focused on helping you make your transformation. There are no up-sells, I will share as much as humanly possible during our time together.
2. Tickets are fully refundable until November 5th (minus 5% credit card fees. If you pay via Zelle the ticket is fully refundable.) Between Nov 5th and Dec 30th – Tickets are fully refundable (minus 5%) for 7 days after purchase. After 7 days, if you are unable to make the event for any reason, you can turn your ticket into a credit valid for any future event and most coaching services I offer.
3. If you attend the event and do not feel I (Dan), the training, or the environment have met, if not exceeded, your expectations you can request a refund before the lunch period on Day 3. I will refund 100% of your ticket price within 48 hours, plus I will pay you $100 cash.
The Basic Ticket
To reserve your spot and lock in the early bird pricing, you only need to make a small deposit today. Details on the checkout page.
If you prefer to pay directly in Euro or GBP, or request a custom payment schedule, please write [email protected] and we can arrange it for you.
The Complete Ticket
To reserve your spot and lock in the early bird pricing, you only need to make a small deposit today. Details on the checkout page.
If you prefer to pay directly in Euro or GBP, or request a custom payment schedule, please write [email protected] and we can arrange it for you.

"I'm really glad I signed up for Dan's event in Prague. After participating, I feel I have moved a step forward from 'I'm thinking of doing this' to 'I must do this'. I have met people who are on the same path as me, and at different stages on that journey. One thing that I found unique about this particular training is how it merges or synergizes different themes: personality differences and how they impact our career, productivity, and work."
Life Design Fiesta 2019, Prague

Kelly Parker
Confidence Coach
Having the support of the group and Dan has given me the confidence and courage to just carry on. Dan understood me and it was great to have somebody who is also an ENFP who understands why we can’t just always get things done. I’m now at the position where I’m really excited about the future and I think for the first time I have a clear goal, I know where I’m going, and I finally feel like I’m on the right path!

Craig Deuchar
Voice and Presence Coach
It’s not just about what Dan coaches, it’s also about how he coaches. You’ll find he’s empathic, particularly in the times when you’re struggling.
He can be very direct when he needs to be, without being overpowering.
Also he creates this environment in the group that actually makes it fun.

Nathan To
Copywriter & Consultant
With an awesome mix of tough love, humour, empathy and Canadian kindness, Dan really helped me refocus and simplify my plan.He has made a huge impact on building my confidence, building my self-awareness, put my old unhelpful mindsets out and showing me what healthier mindsets best positioned me for long-term success.

You Got This
If you've been with me for a while you already know my 70% Rule: If you're 70% sure of something, the right move is always to take action and see what you can learn.
In this case, with the 100% + $100 satisfaction guarantee, you don't have to risk anything for a huge potential upside.
So, what's left to say? Let's do this.
Still have questions?
Life Design Fiesta is a unique experience that is designed to help you change your life... so no wonder you are probably filled with questions and want to figure out if this is the right event for you. Let's talk :)
© 2023 Dreams Around The World